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Corporate Events

From product launches, to award ceremonies. Office Christmas parties, to summer inter-departmental cricket tournaments- we’ve enjoyed them all, together, with our corporate clients. With numerous brandable bars, we can ensure our slick service will go hand in hand with your latest marketing campaign or re-brand.

Our management team all have corporate back grounds, including careers in Call Centre Management, Business Analytics, Communications, Regulatory Support and Anti-Money Laundering. Since working in the hospitality sector, we now have a high-level of understanding of the range of corporate events that require our services. Marrying together our previous work experience, understanding of large businesses procedural and event requirements, along with our current expertise in corporate events, we are confident that we will impress you with our service.

One of our core values is to be easy to do business with and, as we have 100% excellent feedback from our corporate clients on all platforms which we use, it’s safe to say that we are currently delivering on this promise. Our corporate clients include Reebok, Size?, the London Multi-Storey Orchestra, London Graduate Fashion Week and Tesuti, to name but a few! We hope we will be adding your companies name to this list soon!

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